Day 6, Tuesday
In the morning we packed our bags, closed the apartment, and left to the airport to pick up a rental car and start our 527 km (327 miles) long trip to Quiberon in Brittany. This was when our luck with the weather has ended, as the closer we got to the destination the darker sky got:

We arrived quite late, found our friend’s house, dropped off bags, and walked to the beach to grab dinner. Quiberon is a popular destination for local tourism but there are not many international travelers and almost nobody speaks English. That was a fun change after Paris.

Day 7, Wednesday
Turns out getting breakfast is not that easy in a resort town, so we had to try three different places before finding one that wasn’t full. Brittany is known for its crêpes, galettes, cider, and delicious seafood, so that was all we were eating for the next few days.

On our way back we stumbled upon a seafood market. Frankly, I don’t think I’ve seen that kind of selection ever before. We’ve never had langoustines and decided to cook them for dinner.

It was cold and either raining or drizzling outside, so we spent most of the day reading, napping, and playing card games. Without the internet in the house it was nice to forcefully enter a slower phase of the vacation.
In the evening we went to Côte Sauvage and explored the western side of the peninsula.

Small fisherman marina:

Day 8, Thursday
Le Poulpiquet was hands-down our favorite crêperie.

Discovered a very cool playground. Undefined structure unleashes creativity and imagination, so it’s fun to play at for kids of all ages.

Walked around the streets of Quiberon and bought some souvenirs:

That day was a little sunnier and warmer, so in the afternoon we spent a few hours reading at a beach club Le Fisher while Alisa played in the sand and ocean. Finally felt like a beach vacation!
Day 9, Friday.
We celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary in a popular restaurant in the middle of nowhere at Côte Sauvage. All of us love seafood and we enjoyed their Plateau de Fruits de Mer, a large dish including a combination of oysters, shrimp, lobster, mussels, clams, crabs, and other less recognizable shell fish like periwinkles and whelks.

The views from that place are quite amazing even in bad weather:

My heart has a soft spot for old Defenders, especially with surfboards:

Later in the day, we went to Pointe du Conguel at the end of the peninsula. There are beautiful walking trails on a narrow strip of land between the Atlantic Ocean and Quiberon Bay. It’s always windy and chilly, so this place has a very rough sort of beauty.